
SICAS aims to develop in its students a strong intellectual and moral foundation, and leadership skills that enable them to act as responsible citizens. We allow young men and women to develop a responsibility for their own learning, a concern for others, and the resources to pursue fulfillment in their lives. 

As our student body grows, both in terms of number and the diversity of student backgrounds, the need for a common identity becomes pertinent. We find this common identity in a set of learner attributes that we expect each Sicasian to uphold. These attributes cater to the social, emotional and intellectual development of our students and inform our teacher’s pedagogical practice as well. The implementation of these attributes however is not possible with just the teachers playing their part - the responsibility extends to our parents as well who are viewed as partners in the process of learning that takes place at SICAS.

Through this holistic strategy, we aim on instilling values that shall make our learners not just excellent students but also ethically conscious global citizens.

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